I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, a government-supported body that regulates a wide range of complementary therapies.
You can check out my registration here: As a member of the CNHC, I am bound by its Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance. The CNHC ensures its members meet National Occupational Standards, are of good character and fit to practise. A duty is placed on me to protect the health and wellbeing of my clients by using the best available research evidence, clinical expertise and taking into consideration the values of my clients. In particular, I am bound to:
- respect clients’ dignity, individuality and privacy;
- respect clients’ rights to be involved in decisions about their care;
- justify public trust and confidence by being honest and trustworthy;
- provide a good standard of practice and care;
- protect clients and colleagues from risk of harm; and
- co-operate with colleagues from my own and other professions.
I am personally accountable for my actions and must, if asked, be able to explain and justify my decisions when asked to do so.I aspire to the highest standards of professional conduct. I do not have a criminal record and have not been the subject of any disciplinary or civil proceedings against me in relation to my practice.I am required to continually maintain and update my professional knowledge and skills and keep a CPD (continuing professional development) log. I read and research extensively to expand my knowledge of hypnotherapy, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), neuroscience and psychology. I also participate in peer-support activities with other professional hypnotherapists and counsellors on a regular basis.Collectively, my continuing professional development activities (which include seminars, training courses, reading and other interventions) far exceed the minimum requirement imposed by the CNHC.Clients have a right to expect that the information obtained about them in the course of my work, will be held in confidence. For information on how this information is used and kept, please see the Privacy page.