18 May 2016

Supporting someone who is experiencing mental unwellness can be one of the most challenging things a person can do. Doing it well, can be one of the most important. 

Our brains are the most complex Control Centre we know of, built with billions of nerve cells (neurons) and providing hundreds of electrical pulses per second. Each neuron makes about ten thousand connections to neighbouring neurons to the extent that there are about as many connections in a single cubic centimetre of brain tissue as there are stars in the Milky Way. Hardly surprising then, that when our Control Centre malfunctions, as is the case when depression strikes, it wreaks havoc with what we might otherwise call ‘normal’ processing and functioning.

In practical terms, this means that a typical sufferer of depression may find themselves:

When we see such profoundly negative changes in the well-being of our friends and loved ones, we often jump to the rescue with well-meaning comments, only to be met with a rebuttal, anger or the depressed person simply distancing themselves from us. The problem is that often what we say is born out of our own unease with how they are rather than out of a fundamental understanding of, and empathy with, the depressed person. In short, as tempting as it may seem to tell a loved one to try not to let themselves feel so depressed, or that there are others worse off, or the dreaded ‘just try and pull yourself together and get through it’, this approach is likely to do more harm than good.

Let me explain why…

Depression is not a choice. It isn’t due to weakness, moral failure or lack of willpower. If the person could do what you are suggesting, then they would, believe me! The problem is that they can’t, but focussing on it highlights their personal failure to get their life back on track. It reinforces what they already believe about themselves which is that they are a failure and there is no hope.

So how can you help someone suffering with depression?

Depression is not a choice. It can strike anyone at any time. As Dorothy Rowe [1983] writes; “It seems to be […] a period of unhappy withdrawal, an uncomfortable hibernation where the person comes to realise that something has gone wrong with his life and that something needs to be put right.”  Help them put it right, their way.